06 Apr

Creative scientific writing course – Impressions and Reflexions

The course on creative scientific writing taught by Dr. Andreas Zitek from Center for Education, e-Learning and Didactics from BOKU was very well received by all students of Egerton University. In fact the training created a lot of interest across the faculties of Egerton University. This might lead to further collaboration between the universities.

30 female and male students, from Master to PhD level and academic staff members of Egerton University participated in the innovative 2-day course on creative scientific writing of papers and research proposals. During the highly interactive course developed by Andreas Zitek , they received a practical hands-on training based on an innovative combination of creative didactics and technologies.

Young scientists will have the opportunity to participate in a research competition with separate entries for female and male students. 10 students, selected by a jury, will receive support and mentoring for their work from proposal development to publication by BOKU and Egerton University academic staff members. A shared moodle course will be hosted by the E-Campus of EU. This will strengthen collaboration between BOKU and EU through an innovative mentorship program for young students to increase capacities in e-learning and research of both Universities.

Selected quotes from Andreas lecture:

Writing = mind structuring
“Writing a research paper is to learn to
bring order into your own thoughts.
It is the experience of methodological work.
That is why the topic of the work is less
important than the experience that comes
with it.”
(Umberto Eco)

I hear and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do and I understand.

03 Apr

Training on Creative Writing – How to write a scientific paper

The stage is set for the second round of training on creative writing and workshop for the project.
We will have a practical hands-on training and lots of discussion on how to write a scientific paper led by Andreas Zitek from Center of Education at BOKU  University – Vienna to improve capacity of young researcher of Egerton University.

One main activity of the SCARA project is to engage young researchers in research work related to the main topics of SCARA project as part of capacity building in higher education. Young scientist will have the opportunity to participate in a research competition with entries for female and male students. The selected students will have the opportunity to present their research work to an international audience at the final project symposium.
